Why gated communities are not as safe as we perceive them to be?
Gated communities are guarded by security guards who are not educated or motivated enough to keep a strict record on who is coming in and out of the community. Also, there are certain hours during morning and evening when the footfalls in the community are the maximum. Form children rushing to school, to cabs coming in and out, to house helps and delivery boys stepping in and out of the community, these security guards lose complete track of all the visitors. Hence there could be a situation where an unauthorized person steps into the community and the guard would have no clue. Apart from this, people who make register entries write in a fashion that is almost unreadable, hence again giving room for dangers to creep in.
How MyGate creates a safe neighborhood?
MyGate understands the immense pressure on the guards who are expected to perform with negligible training and salary. This intelligent security solution helps take the pressure of the guards using technology to digitize the processes at the gate making it not only error free but also providing a seamless entry for your visitors. MyGate has features that authenticates the entry of every person who steps into the community using unique codes. For visitors like delivery boys, friends/relatives, cabs etc a new code is generated that is valid only for a day hence leaving no scope of the code being misused. Other features like taking a photo of the visitor and keeping a tab on the amount of time a cab or a delivery boy has spent in the apartment is also checked by this security solution which aims to give the residents an enhanced sense of safety.
MyGate is already deployed to over 100+ communities in India and this number only seems to be increasing. With customers like Adarsh, Shobha, Mantri and Salarpuria among the many others, MyGate is latching its roots in the security space of the gated communities in the country rapidly. Know more about this intelligent security solution.