250+ Features of Mygate

Table of Contents

Data Storage & Privacy

Mygate Data Storage & PrivacyClick here to read
StorageData is stored in AWS (Amazon Web services) in virtual private cloud
Privacy at gateGuard cannot access data of resident/guest from the guard device
Privacy at Estate (with number Masking)All access to dashboard/download needs OTP to be provided. Access to resident information further protected by settings based masking
SecurityEncryption is used throughout the application for data in motion (TLS) . Mygate application and data servers do not use public accessible address or IP. The access is further secured through a VPN tunnel with 2FA (2 factor authentication)
27001 certification
Personal Data Protection Bill 2019
Privacy Logs available on user level
GDPR extended to guests and service providers and NDA is available for all sites
Legal(1) Company signs an NDA with all employees regarding protection and non sharing of data. (2) Company is governed by explicit privacy policy posted on website
CompliancePDP and GDPR Compliant implying no data sharing with any 3rd party
Penetration TestingTested by ethical hackers for security
Disaster RecoveryData backup taken to prevent data losses


Guard AppFor security guards at gate for security management
Resident AppFor residents to manage their home (e.g. house helps, visitors, community connect & much more) for their home
Admin App (resident app with admin features)For community admin to approvals to registering residents, send notices, action on tickets, start communications etc
MC/FM DashboardFor community admin to manage, society structure, Resident list, Service Providers, complaints, accounting & much more

Services & Trainings

Training of guardsLifetime training of guards anytime and any number of times
On ground support, service and training Team of 500 across India for on ground service. Account management Team for both onsite & online trainings to support for both Association members and residents
Lifetime customer support over calls, emails and messagesWe have dedicated Relationship Managers for 24/7 response, query resolution etc for both residents and MC members. We also have Subject matter experts based out of all Metro & Major Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities to support with client queries

Mygate Gate/Security Management

Guard devices (Assuming one device)Smartphone locked at root level with Mygate guard app loaded; Easy to use Interface for guards to use
Capture Temperature and Mask Info at gateGuard can capture visitors temperature and mask information at entry and exit and same gets reflected to residents in resident app
Regional Languages for GuardGuard app supports Hindi, Kannada , Gujrati and more
Track Water Tanker/ Diesel/ GarbageTrack the entry/exits of water tankers, diesel and garbage trucks along with their details
Guard PatrollingAllows societies to define Patrolling Routes specifying physical locations where Guards need to patrol & at what times. This also helps in verifying if the Guards have actually patrolled in the designated locations by enforcing them to log via QR Code / NFC tag
Guard to Guard callingGuard to Guard calling is available across all guard devices deployed (Main Gate, Tower level and Clubhouse)
Invited GuestsCan invite guest/groups using phonebook. An SMS goes to the visitor. In addition a “invitation card” be shared via whatsapp
Unexpected GuestsSpot entry at gate triggering notification/IVR calls for approval. Option to call back to visitor from notification
Seeking InviteAs an app user you can seek invite from your friends/relatives in other Mygate communities
Daily Helps (e.g maid, cook etc) Entry/Exit with passcode allotted and notification to concerned houses
Daily Help – digital gatepass, Attendance, Reviews/RatingResident can track daily help attendance with calendar and per day entry/exit timings. Review and ratings with details on punctuality, regularity etc
Daily Help – search with timingsResidents can search for maids by timing
Daily Helps – payment & recordingAbility to record advances and pay their daily help through UPI
Vendors (delivery, cabs, other services etc)Spot entry at gate triggering notification/IVR calls for approval
Group Visitor EntryLabourers & sub-contractors coming in group can have detailed entries with individual photographs
Frequent Visitors Identified frequent entries like school bus, tankers, etc have a separate feature on guard app
Recurring Invite for frequent visitorsResident can issue a long-term recurring invite with different OTP everyday
Photo CaptureSetting based for Vendors, optional for guests
Automated Authentication (via App notification)Auto process of app notification to approve/deny visitor. Guard can move onto next entry submitting the first one.
Automated Authentication (via IVR as back up)Auto process of notification followed by offline IVR Calls to get response. Guard can move onto next entry submitting the first one. Once approved/rejected by resident, guard will see in the guard app and take appropriate action
Voice Command Entry Guard can enter name by voice command
Guard device parallel processingGuard can enter entries in parallel while waiting for approvals for earlier entries
e-IntercomPrimary/Secondary numbers for flat to which IVR call goes. Works offline.
Pre ApprovalsResident can pre-approve guests, delivery, cabs and also exit of children
Resident IDAll residents registering or family members added get their unique ID code that can be used at gate for verification
GatepassGatepass can be generated by guard for material brought in and out gatepass can be generated by resident for what is taken out. Residents can use voice commands in default android and ios keyboard. MyGate’s guard app has the same option and multiple guards are happily using it
Multi Flat ManagementA resident can manage multiple properties across India with one single App
Child Safety AlertTo monitor/control children exiting the campus (goes to residents)
Panic button (Security alert)Residents can configure their family and friends to get alarmed in case of an incident and can raise instant alarm with shortcut icons (goes to guards also who acknowledge & call back)
Notice BoardIn App notice to all residents/select towers/select flats
Local ServicesSociety directory where resident can hire daily helps on temporary or permanent basis with access to their ratings and reviews
Emergency Contacts In Resident App to deal with emergency situations, the residents can add upto 3 members under security alert who will be notified at times of emergencies including the Guard
Multi Tier CheckinVisitor check-in can be done at gate and tower level
Move In Move OutResidents’ move in and move out flow from the society with charge and security deposit
Visitor Overstay AlertTo monitor overstay of delivery boys and cabs based on number of flats they made entry for (goes to guards who acknowledge)
Resident to Resident CallingResidents opting for this feature can call each other using app
Leave at GateResident can delegate the parcel to be collected by guard through photograph process which generates collection OTP for you
Request Visit CodeResidents can request the invite code (pre-approval) from their friends in other Mygate communities
Offline Mode in Guard App for low/No network connectivity in featuresAll entries done in the guard app in the absence of cellular network will reflect as soon as the device is back online.

Vehicle Management

VehiclesEntry/Exit with last four digits of the vehicle for all visitors
Ability to contact vehicle ownerAbility to retrieve vehicle owner if needed (e.g. if vehicle parked in wrong place) & flat/villa where visitor visited
Residents ParkingAllocate approved number of parking slots to each flat/villa
Visitor ParkingSociety can define capacity for visitor vehicles. As visitor vehicles come in guard would know remaining visitor vehicle slots. The number of available visitor vehicle available dynamically updates based on visitors vehicle going in/out
Resident vehicle updatesResidents can update vehicles via the app
Boom Barrier & ANPR integrations Integrated with multiple gate infrastructure providers for smooth vehicle management

Admin Dashboard

Manage SocietyFlats, Towers, Gates, Parking (Resident & Visitors) management
Manage ResidentsOwners, tenants and their family management
Manage Service ProvidersDaily Helper management
Society Staff Attendance ManagementDetailed reports with flexibility to define multiple configurable shifts for different type of staff
ReportsVisitor Log View & download, Vehicle Movement Log, Gatepass Log, Investigation Page, Empty Flats Visit Log, etc
Admin APPAdmin can approve other residents registering from their App itself. We are bringing more controls and reporting to the App in following quarter
EmailsReach out to residents via emails
Push NotificationsInstantly notify residents via push notifications on the Mygate app
SMS Selfie based attendance for staff where picture is taken only if light is proper and face is registered. FACIAL RECOGNITION in play. Auto attendance report available with flag like double shift made.
Masked Resident DirectoryGuard has the ability to call residents without their number being revealed via the guard app. This is an additional module in the guard app that can start as an Ala carte package
Tenant ManagementAdmins can now manage their tenant’s documents and rental tenure on the app and download reports based on that.
Move-in/Move-outA digital mechanism to manage all move-ins & move-outs within society including verifying dues, defining rules & regulations, and much more. https://mygate.com/blog/move-in-move-out-mc-members/
Custom DashboardAdmins can customise and configure the number of modules to be accessed by other stakeholders in the committee.

Complaint Management System

Service RequestsResident can log complaint choosing category, sub-category, type, etc. Residents can provide description and attach photos of issues.
Status Tracking Track status of service request tickets in several states like In Progress, Hold, Resolve, and Reopen. Status updated to residents as well.
Defaulter StatusTrack residents who have overdues. Can block such residents from raising service request.
Department ControlAssign and segregate a service request to admin approved departments. For instance, a service request can be segregated into plumbing, electrical, etc.
Category ControlAdmin can create categories and sub-categories. Download reports of service requests with category and subcategory details.
Complaint Staff RosterManage staff roster with planned and unplanned offs and holidays. Assign staff to a category and sub-category.
Manual AssignmentAuto assign work to staff members on the basis of work load, weekly off, etc. For instance, if a staff member is off then the task gets auto assigned to another member.
Auto EscalationDifferent level of escalation from Helpdesk User to Manager to Admin as per category and different duration. Admins can configure the levels as well as the duration.
Resolution Resident as well as Helpdesk User/Manager can resolve a ticket. Dual resolution helps in faster movement of tickets.
Reopening Resident has an option to reopen the ticket. Useful in the case if the issue persists or if the resident is not satisfied with the level of service.
Avg Closure Time ReportAverage time take to resolve a ticket based on category, tower, etc.
Category wise ReportPerformance management of departments like plumbing, electrical, landscaping, etc. Societies can track/analyse tickets per category and time taken to resolve them.
Tower wise ReportPerformance management of tower staff to determine SLAs and the performance of the staff. Can help in determining steps/duration between escalation levels.
Ratings & CommentsAssign ratings and add comments/feedback on the service as well as the provider
Escalation MatrixFully customizable, multi level and category wise escalation metrics with up to 4 levels of escalation to the designated mail id’s


Member ManagementAdd/remove RWA members as they move in and move out of the society. On listed RWA members get information pertinent to the society.
Prepaid Meters Residents can do recharges and check their balance on the Mygate Mobile app
General & Member LedgerThe platform seamlessly differentiates both the ledgers and supports extraction of Reports based on bill type, ledgers. We provide detailed expanded Ledger views on important reports such as balance Sheet, Income/Expense, Trial Balance etc.
Staff Management Add/remove staff members and assign them departments like plumbing, electrical, landscaping, etc. Change the list as service providers change.
Vendor MasterList of vendors with complete details like department, bank details, contact info, etc. Edit the list as vendors or service providers change.
Expense BookingPeriodic expense booking with GST, TDS options – with admin approval. View and download reports on expense with paid and unpaid vendors.
Purchase RequisitionRequisition of scope etc for initiating PO process
Purchase ApprovalMulti-level approval for a purchase request. Approval mechanism can be to a department or amount.
Purchase OrderRelease of purchase order (PO) with vendor details and approval mechanism. Send a PO directly to a vendor.
Vendor Reporting Reports of vendors with service categorisation. Create, remove, edit and delete vendors from the list.
Non-member ManagementMaster Listing of non-members like chemist shop, stationery shop, yoga/zumba teacher etc. within the society. Track income generated by them.
Non-member DuesTrack of non-member for dues and receipts. Raise alarm for non-members who have not paid dues or any other requirement.
Asset MasterCreate, remove, edit and delete assets. Manage a master list of assets with description and location.
Asset CategorisationCategories to separate assets. Admin can control categories and assign service staff as well as service providers.
AMC ReminderSet periodic reminders to renew maintenance. Capture relevant details of service providers and manufacturers.
Asset ReportsReports to track different assets with location, description, year, model, manufacturer, quantity, prices, etc.
Inventory MasterList of inventories with location, stock quantity, and prices. Track inventory with usage, custodians, location, department, etc.
Stock Updating and Usage TrackingList of stock available and stock used. Replenish and track stock based on a minimum stock level and usage.
Inventory ReportsReports on inventory for all items or for one particular item. Details on the items at society level as well as at tower level.

Billing & Accounting

Multiple Charge-typesCalculate charges based on floor area or constant for any kind of invoices.
Automated Accounting SystemWe have a fully customisable in-house Accounting system with numerous template options
Interest/ PenaltiesInterests/Penalties can be configured and customized as per society
Offline Intimation Confirmation of offline payment receipts can be sent via app, email and sms
Group InvoicingIssue invoices with multiple line items in a single invoice with different GST rates.
Targeted InvoicingCreate invoices based on filters like towers, tenants, owners, flat type, etc.
Automatic Scheduled InvoicingSchedule invoicing based on date/period for automatic billing to residents.
Auto charge CalculationAutomatically calculate the amount based on consumption, resident type, flat type, etc.
Customized Invoice formatHeader and footer options with the society logo and pagination.
Custom invoicing sequence Create invoices with different invoice number sequences and prefixes
E-InvoicingB2C dynamic QR in invoices. Societies with an annual turnover of more than 50 lakhs can enable this feature. It facilitates making online UPI payments by scanning the QR code present in the invoice PDF and the receipt for the same will be auto-generated by the system on successful payments.
Credit NoteIssue credit note against a charge head on issued invoices. Keep a record of credit notes in a report.
Fixed DepositsTrack fixed deposits made in the society bank account. Record interest rate, maturity period, bank, etc.
Bank-Account OptionsAssign different bank accounts for different bills.
Bulk UploadBulk upload group invoices with details like amount and credit.
Complete GST ControlToggle GST on/off as applicable for a particular line item as per GST regulations.
Item wise Credit, GSTIssue instant discount/credit for separate charge heads in an invoice. Configure discounts based on area, resident type, etc.
Fine OptionsMultiple options for fine settings like rate-wise, amount-wise, custom settings. Rates can be constant or set as a percentage of overdue.
Advance AccountExcess payment made against an invoice by a resident will be stored in the Advance account of that flat. It can be utilized against the upcoming invoices. Residents can also keep their advance balance topped up to avoid worrying about missing a due date in future invoices. Society can also have multiple types of advance accounts to utilize against a specific type of invoice. For example Maintenance Advance, Utilities Advance, etc
Settlement from AdvanceAuto settle bills through advance account.
ArrearsOption to include consolidated arrears as well as bifurcated arrears as per charge accounts and type of invoices.
Multiple App Payment OptionsPay through UPI, net banking, VPA, credit card, debit card, foreign cards. Integration with major payment gateways.
Least Transaction Charges Least transaction charges for UPI/net banking and lowest rates with debit/credit cards
App Dues StatementTrack dues and overdues for each resident in app.
App Account StatementView and pay invoices, receipts, overdues, security deposit and advance in app.
Payment Intimation Offline payment intimation to estate office to verify the payments made through EFT, cheque and cash.
Auto Dues Receipts Receipts are auto generated when a resident makes online payment or through advance.
Partial Payment OptionsResidents can make partial payments against dues. Configurable admin setting.
Credit Note and DiscountIssue credit note on past invoices as well as issue discount/credit on the un-issued invoices.
Auto ReconciliationOnline payments get auto reconciled.
Reconciliation Exception ReportReport on unreconciled payments.
General LedgerRecord detailing of all ledgers related to assets, liabilities, income and expense.
General Payments Assess petty expenses at one place.
General ReceiptsTrack petty incomes through sundry sources.
Chart of AccountsCreate and manage different account heads with proper hierarchy linking to general ledgers, categories and sub-categories.
Journal VouchersTrack all types of adjustment entries like debit/credit notes.
Cash/Bank TransfersRecord transfer of liquid assets between office and multiple bank accounts. Configure the section to accommodate various bank accounts.
Uploads & Downloads A separate section to easily upload daily transactions or download in bulk when required.
Accounting ReportsComprehensive suite of reports for download to make accounting simpler. Reports like BS, P&L, GST Report, TDS Report, etc.
DefaultersList of defaulters with overdues.
Dues ReportsReport on society-wide collective dues, dues by particular bills, dues by particular account head.
Collection ReportsReports for every flat on all collections sorted by individual bill or particular account head.
Advance Collection ReportFlat-wise report on advances collected from residents.
Dues, Advance Balance & Security Deposit ReportBalance report on dues, advance and security deposit. Report generated for all flats at one place with period wise filters.
Income/Expense ReportsSeparate reports with periodic graphical analysis for better understanding of income-expenditure as well as cash flow.
Trial BalanceAs-of date trial balance details with accrued income and provisions included.
Balance SheetAs-of date actual balance in Schedule VI and N Format.
Day BookTrack all types of transactions – payments, receipts, JV – for any particular day.
TDS ReportReport on TDS Payable collected from vendors and needed to be paid.
GST ReportReport on GST input and output needed to complete monthly, quarterly or yearly GST filings.
Existing Accounts Migration to MygateMigrate accounts from another platform to Mygate.
Security DepositAccept security deposit from residents for amenities, move-in. etc.
Issue Recurring InvoicesSet auto invoicing feature on to issue recurring invoices
CustomisationCustomise invoices with logo, GST, etc.
RemindersSend many SMS, emails, and push notifications
Cash Payment ReconciliationEnter cash amounts for reconciliation in books
TallyAccounts compatible with Tally to do further financial analysis.
Schedule ReportsSend selected reports automatically by scheduling the date, frequency and recipient details.
PurchasesManage and create Purchase requisitions, Request for quotations, Purchase Orders, and Book the expenses that will automatically update the inventory, expense, and assets. Supports multi-level customizable approval mechanism. Generate material receipt, track delivery, etc.
BudgetPrepare monthly,quarterly or annual budgets based on the expenses and monitor the variations.
Auto reversal of fineAutomatically reverse fine charges when the admins create backdated receipts based on specific built-in conditions.


All Payment ModesPay through UPI, net banking, credit card, debit card, RuPay, Diners Card, Amex, etc.
Integration with different Payment Gateways (PGs)Major Payment Gateways with all different modes of payments – Razorpay & Cashfree
Foreign CardsUse foreign cards to make society payments
App as well Web DashboardPayments through the app as well as through web dashboard
Auto Bank ReconciliationCustom fields in bank statement for easier reconciliation
Dedicated Financial Operations TeamDedicated financial operations team to monitor failures/disputes and prompt help
Different TypesPayments for maintenance, security deposit, funds, salaries, etc.
Settlement in Short TimeSettlement to society accounts in a short span


Group CreationCreate custom groups for functions, hobbies, and others.
Email/SMSSend email and SMS either to selected groups or to all.
Opinion PollsCreate opinion polls to gauge the interest of residents.
Secret PollsCreate discrete polls for election purposes.
MeetingConduct meetings and record minutes of meetings.
Delivery ReportsTrack whether an email or a SMS was actually delivered.
Personal DocumentsMake documents visible only to concerned flats and admins.
Society DocumentsStore and retrieve all documents of a society at one location.
Recurring Non-recurring TasksCreate, assign and intimate recurring and non-recurring tasks to staff members.
Management DocumentsSave documents and made them available to RWA members.
Flat-wise and Society-wise DocumentsStore documents specific to a flat as well as relevant to a whole society
Group emailGroup email IDs created automatically by the system to enable seamless communication between admin and residents right from their mailbox.
SurveysConduct surveys between residents and capture the response
Election PollDedicated feature to conduct election digitally within the residents, or customized groups

Amenities Management

Free & paid amenity managementAdmin can add both free and paid amenities to resident app
Usage controlAbility to control usage at flat level as well as set number of slots
Capacity controlAdmin can control capacity for any amenity
Group-wise usage limitGrouping of amenities to set the usage limit
Customisable start timeAdmin can customise the starting time of any amenity
Slot additionAdd an infinite number of slots in different combinations and pricing
Cool down periodSet cool down period to control overutilisation
Manage companionsManage additional guests coming to use the amenity
Terms and ConditionsAdd terms and conditions
Block booking capabilityWeekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly booking options
Differential pricingSet different prices for every slot
Integrated check-in/check-outIntegrated check-in & check-out with clubhouse guard device
Cancellation limitsSet limits on the number of times a particular user can cancel one or more amenities
Cancellation chargesConfigure cancellation charges for any amenity
InvitesOption to invite other residents or co-players
Resident notificationsNotify feature that can remind residents if an already blocked slot becomes free
Add-onsBooking of add-ons along with amenities. For eg: additional tables, chairs etc
Configure closure for maintenanceStop accepting booking when the facility is under scheduled maintenance
Amenity holiday calendarAssign days on which a particular amenity will not be available
User blacklistingBlacklist individual or group of residents from using a particular amenity
Defaulter blockingBlock defaulters on maintenance from booking any amenities
Location-based groupingLocation based grouping of amenities where residents can choose a location and book amenities in it
Approval processApproval process for free amenities
BNPL optionBook now and pay later option

Pet Directory

Create profileResidents can create pet profiles, entering details like name, gender, breed, vaccination status, etc.
Vaccination statusVaccination details are also made available to residents on the app
Vaccination remindersResidents receive reminders when vaccination dates are approaching
Pet directoryA comprehensive directory of all pet profiles created within the society for residents to see
Admin viewAdmins can view the log of all the pets and their details, including vaccination status, on the dashboard

Integrations & Partnerships

Boom Barrier integrationsIntegrated with multiple boom barrier infrastructure providers for smooth vehicle management
Prepaid MetersIntegrated with multiple prepaid meter vendors present across the country for eg. El-Measure, Secure, WaterOn, Radius, WeGot etc
TallyAccounts compatible with Tally to do further financial analysis.
Cab servicesPartnered with cab providers for reliable transport to the airport and rentals within the city
DiagnosticsPartnered with major healthcare companies for the provision of lab tests, medicines, etc at discounted rates
Home ServicesOne-click access to a variety of home services from top partners in your city, such as deep cleaning, dry cleaning, appliance repair, etc.
Resident marketplaceBuy, sell products and services with your neighbours and other Mygate users in your city

Admin Types

Cluster AdminOne Admin can control multiple sites
Society AdminSuper admin with full controls with roles & rights assignments for admins below
View Only AdminSuch Admin can only view everything without limitation
ManagerCan view details (key field masked) but not download, able to access accounting and communication modules
AccountantCan only access the Accounting part of the ERP dashboard
Helpdesk ManagerCan only access Helpdesk part of ERP dashboard
TreasurerFull controls to the Accounting modules, Asset & Inventory etc
Utility ManagerFull access to communication modules.
AuditorView-only access to the Accounting modules & Reports
Custom RoleCreate a user with access to selected modules and permissions to either view or full access

Covid Combat Features

Smart Eye AttendanceMake your society contactless with staff attendance using Mygate’s smart facial recognition technology to keep the fingerprint biometrics at bay.
Temperature and Mask Info at gateGuard can capture visitors temperature and mask information at entry and exit and same gets reflected to residents in resident app
Resident entry / exitUse Mygate and enable security guards to record/restrict the entry of residents/visitors so they can trace back if needed and take proactive steps during an emergency.
Vendor at GateEnsure residents never miss out on buying essentials. Make essential vendors available to your residents by setting up notifications for their arrival on the MyGate app
Leave at GateEnable Leave at Gate feature to curb the spread of COVID-19. Contactless deliveries are facilitated via this feature to ensure effective social distancing.
Mandatory Leave at GateEnable Leave at Gate feature to curb the spread of COVID-19. Contactless deliveries are facilitated via this feature to ensure effective social distancing.
COVID ProtectMygate has developed a set of COVID control features built to curb the spread of COVID-19 and brings to you COVID updates and the latest information from your city. https://mygate.com/blog/covid-protect/
Quarantine at HomeCommittee members can easily identify, mark, and manage the flats where residents are in quarantine for a specific time period. https://mygate.com/blog/quarantine-at-home/
SPO2 ReadingsSecurity guards can now capture oxygen levels of residents, visitors and service providers entering the society, right on the app

eCommerce Software

eCommerce Store CreatorA complete eCommerce platform that helps you create stores and list products or services
Catalog Management SystemA simple interface to add new products/services, manage product description, price, and stock
Easy Order ManagementAuto generate invoices, give customers updates on their orders and delivery
Payment GatewayCollect online payments on your store using Credit cards, Debit cards, UPI & Net banking. Mygate supports all payment gateways

Real Estate Marketplace​

Property Listing CreatorEvery user of the app can create a listing for a property by adding property pictures and details
Powerful SearchUsers can search by neighbourhood and type of listing (rental, shared accommodation or sale)
Advanced FiltersTo improve the search experience, users can also filter results by price, configuration of apartment, type of community, etc
Chat SupportFor easy communication, users can interact with apartment owners on the platform via chat

Resident (Peer to Peer) Marketplace

Listing CreatorEvery user of the app can create a classifieds advertisement visible to other users of the app
Powerful SearchUsers can search by type of listing (eg. furniture, vehicle, etc)
Advanced FiltersTo improve the search experience, users can also filter results by price, age of item, etc
Chat SupportFor easy communication, buyers and sellers can interact with each other on the platform via chat