Restricted areas in your apartment building or society

In every apartment or society, there are a few places all residents are not allowed to access. Only the managing committee and apartment personnel can access these areas. The restricted common areas in the building are although within the tenant’s perimeter, they are not allowed to enter it in most cases. In some cases, the landlord will have some access to these restricted areas. The restricted areas also are labelled so for the safety of the residents. So its best to adhere to them.

Here is a list of places that most apartments and societies have termed as restricted to their residents.

1. Electrical closet

The electrical closet is where the entire apartment or society’s electrical connections are managed. It’s best to let the experts handle it and ensure that you stay out of the electrical closet. The closet is usually only operated by technicians as the controls are super sensitive and one wrong mistake can cause a power outage and inconvenience a lot of people. Some apartments ensure the electrical closet is “child-proof”.

2. Mechanical closet

This closet usually houses the HVAC systems( Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning controls) of the entire apartment. This might be located in a common area or outside your unit/flat. Wherever it is located, it’s best not to fiddle with the controls or enter the closet as it contains very sensitive controls that can control several appliances in your home. The mechanical closet is usually locked and entry is for personnel only.

3. Maintenance break rooms

It’s ideal to have break rooms for the maintenance personnel who work so hard. The room is where they can rest, stretch their limbs and grab a bite when hungry. It’s best to leave them undisturbed for the short time during which they rest. Residents mustn’t be allowed into the break room or use it.

4. Storage rooms

The storage rooms in apartments and societies house all the maintenance equipment that the maintenance personnel uses to keep the society clean. The equipment used could be expensive and its best not tampered with. Children should be kept out of the storage rooms at all times. The only ones who can access the rooms are maintenance personnel.

These rooms can be used to store lawn mowing equipment, cleaning equipment, and other things.

5. Communication duct

The communication duct can have telecom cables, internet cables or broadband, and any other communication-related wiring. Apartments set up a separate duct for these cables as hampering with them will inconvenience everyone. The latest trend is that of fiber cables and most apartments have these installed for the internet. These make buildings ready for the future as they have a high bandwidth of the internet. It’s best to stay out of this room and let only personnel in.

6. Gas bank/ Gas station

This could be a dangerous area to be in. Normally, apartments don’t keep gas cylinders enclosed in a room as they can be dangerous. A gas leak can cost you high as it can blow up with just a tiny spark. The gas cylinders are usually kept in the open, under a shed. It’s best not to let children play near this area as they can tamper with the cylinders that can lead to fire etc.

7. STP stations

STP stands for Sewage Treatment Plant. It has been made compulsory for apartments and societies to have an STP plant. The plant is supposed to take in the waste and drain water and purify it before it’s used for other purposes like gardening etc. It’s best to steer clear of the STP plant as they have toxic waste and sludge. Especially children should be kept away from the STP station as even the fumes emitted from there can be hazardous to your health.

8. Water pumping stations

The plumbing water station in an apartment is one of the most important stations as it supplies water to the entire apartment complex or society. The pumping stations are off-limits to everyone but apartment personnel. The pipes used to transport water to the apartments are sometimes flimsy and can be only handled by plumbers. The pressure around these pipes also can be high, so it’s advisable not to access these areas. A sudden pipe burst could result in fatal injuries. Moreover, if any damage is made to these pipes, it can hamper the water supply throughout the society.

9. Garbage collection room

Most apartments have a collection room dedicated to garbage. This is where further segregation of wet and dry waste takes place. The garbage that’s collected throughout the apartment complex is gathered here and then sent to the garbage trucks. This definitely falls under the restricted area in the apartment. All residents should stay away from the collection room. The smell of wet and dry waste is unpleasant and will lead to you falling sick.

10. Lift machine room

It’s horrifying to be stuck in a lift when it malfunctions. The lift machine room in the apartment mans the smooth functioning of the lift. It’s best to keep away from the room as fiddling around the room can lead to a lift malfunctioning. The breaking down of the lift in a high-rise building especially can cause inconvenience to the entire society.

11. Terrace

Terraces on high-rise buildings or apartments are usually off-limits to all residents. The door leading to the terrace is usually barricaded or locked and the keys are with the apartment personnel. It’s best to stay away from apartment terraces to prevent any accidents from occurring.

It’s best to find out which areas are restricted in your apartment complex prior to moving in. The managing committee will be able to give you a list of places that are off-limits.

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