In continuation of our efforts in improving usability, increasing engagement, increasing collection, reducing operational efforts, and supporting acquisition and retention in the system, we have identified and rectified the following product gaps and added certain valuable enhancements to the product.
Automated Report Scheduling for Helpdesk
For smooth running of a society, the admins should be able to receive information about helpdesk complaints with ease. Along with the old manual download option which is quite helpful for the managers, we have introduced a new automated report push for admins. A dashboard user can configure the following while making a new scheduler –
- A frequency of choice – monthly or weekly – can be chosen
- One of the default user groups can be selected along with additional email IDs of choice
Email is triggered to those users along with an attachment of helpdesk tickets of the period. Hence, the report becomes easily accessible to the admins and they are able to monitor the work done by their staff on a regular basis.
Dashboard>> Financial Reports >> Schedule Reports
Prepaid – Live Meter Reading now available on the app
Now the prepaid module users on the app will be able to know the readings (Grid/EC and Diesel Generator/DG displayed separately) of their utility meters next to the already available balance. Whenever a user lands on this page, we call the meter partner API to fetch the latest information for the concerned meter. This ensures that the balance and readings displayed are relevant to the user and they can verify the same by comparing with the house meter.
In case there are no readings available, the balance section would display “NA” under such scenarios
Note :
- This is Applicable for Crystal, Elmeasure, Capital, Neptune, PES and Radius.
- Secure meter currently does not have any such API, hence the value will always be ‘NA’.
Standardized Breadcrumbs on the Dashboard
Breadcrumbs are a mechanism by which users can visualize the path they followed while going to a webpage and quickly navigate to the parent pages without accessing menu dropdowns.
The previous implementation required us to configure the breadcrumb path manually when working on a page. Over time, this led to subtle variations on different parts of the dashboard. With the new update, the process has been standardized, where the page self-calculates it’s path : Menu name >> Sub-menu name >> Final page. The hyperlinks to the menu and sub-menu are also embedded respectively during this exercise. Overall, the following benefits to various stakeholders are offered –
Standard breadcrumb representation with automated addition when creating a new page
The user can quickly access and toggle between the menu pages without following the navigation constraints of the menu
- Clicking on “Menu“ name – Opens up the menu and presents the list of its sub-menu items
- Clicking on “Sub-menu“ name – Opens up the sub-menu and presents the list of its final pages
Election Poll – User can now select multiple nominees
At present, the election poll feature allows a post-nominee style of process where only one candidate can be selected by a resident for each post. However, this flow does not allow a situation where a set number of committee members are to be elected and posts are decided among them subsequently.
This new updates introduces the ability to multi-select nominees for each post. Say, 17 nominees are contending for 5 committee member positions – the admin has to just turn on the mutli-select checkbox and input the “Total members to elect” as 5.
Notes –
- A maximum of 14 posts and 34 nominees for each post are allowed
- If “Total members to elect” is input as 5, a resident casting his vote would be allowed to select up to 5 candidates
Dashboard >> Communications >> Election Polls >> Create New
Election Polls – Defaulters can now be restricted from voting
At present, there is no restriction on any resident on participation in the election polls (the concerned resident has to just be a member of the group selected). However, in most of the societies’ bylaws, the provision to cast a vote is restricted for a house if they are a defaulter.
Similar to defaulter restrictions already in place in our Helpdesk, Amenity and Prepaid features, we have introduced the same for the election polls as well. From the admin’s end, following are the steps –
- “Mark defaulters” checkbox within Dashboard >> Settings >> Maintenance & Account Settings needs to be selected and the default threshold value has to be entered
- The checkbox “Do not allow defaulters to participate” with poll form has to be selected
From the resident’s perspective, following is the flow –
- The user is allowed to view the election details along with the nominee list
- The blocker is introduced on the submission of the form and the user is advised to go to the society dues module and clear their dues
- Once the house dues are clear below the defaulter threshold set by the admin, the resident is allowed to cast his/her vote
Dashboard >> Communications >> Election Polls >> Create New
Audience List management for seed content (for content managers only)
In continuation to the introduction of content creation options, the content manager will now be able to utilise the add audience group tool to store a desired set of society cohorts in the dashboard for any future content seeding and also will be able to action using the following –
- Filter by name, creator and creation period in the group listing
- Delete or edit an existing group
- Select multiple audience groups during content creation
Note :
- In case of a duplicacy of society IDs in the CSV file during audience group creation, the user will be first asked to rectify that and then submit the form
- Previously stored CSV file within an audience group can only be replaced with a new one during edit.
Dashboard >> Communication >> Audience
Security :
Admin Console – New App Adoption Widget
App adoption is one of the most important widget in the admin console and has been revamped now which will show the active and inactive homes along with the active users of the society. We have added the ‘Unoccupied’ parameter in the app adoption donut which will indicate the number of flats which are yet to be occupied by residents. The Pending Approvals carousel will also show the details of the recent five newly registered residents.
Admin Console – Gray Cards when the module is inactive
The admin console widgets were not shown for features disabled in the society. This led to the admins not knowing the advantages of these features and residents not using these features in turn. In order to encourage the admins to use more of our features, we will be showing a gray card for respective widgets which will indicate the admins that the feature has been disabled in the society. The gray card when clicked will redirect to a blog that will explain the feature in detail.
Creation and Updation details of Guard Patrolling routes
The admins were dependent on the internal teams in order to get the details of the patrolling route creation and updation. The guard patrolling report once downloaded will now show the Created by and Updated By details of each route which will help the admins to know these details upfront without being dependent on the internal teams.
Additional Notes :
- Only penalty ledgers to be available as charge account when adding a penalty on the house dues page
- Disabling the ‘Add New Account” option in case an account is already configured in the Move IN-Move OUT page of the admin dashboard.
- User email resubscribe UI page when the user unsubscribes to our emails.
That’s all folks!!