Admin Chat Support for faster resolution of queries

MyGate has launched a new customer support channel, ‘Chat Support’ to solve your queries quickly and efficiently.

(A) Steps to use Chat Support on the society dashboard

  1. Login to the admin dashboard
  2. Click on the chat icon next to the FAQs section
  3. Select ‘Chat with us’ and start typing your queries or choose the module
  4. Click on ‘Connect now’ to start live chat with our product specialist

(B) Steps to use Chat Support on the app

  1. Open the MyGate App
  2. Click on the Admin icon on the top right side
  3. Select ‘Chat Support’ and start typing your queries or choose the module
  4. Click on ‘Connect now’ to start live chat with our product experts

For further assistance, please contact your MyGate Relationship Manager

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