Klay School finds its way to the parents with Spotlight

One of India’s most awarded preschools and daycares trusted Mygate to reach new Parents in a set of gated communities located close to their campuses. The intent was to introduce the brand to parents and encourage them to enrol their little ones for the best education and care.
Over the last few years, Indian parents and schools have been seeking to address the need to provide quality education and grooming to kids in their foundation years. With both parents working in many Indian households, it becomes imminent that the child gets the best care and education in schools and daycare in their growing up years.
Mygate helped one such brand reach out to the parents to build a recall for them and promote admissions for the ongoing academic year.
To meet the objective, Mygate proposed a comprehensive digital campaign targeting gated communities in multiple locations across Bangalore. The brand chose Mygate’s notice pushes to reach parents with their offerings, inform them about their teaching pedagogy and invite them to visit during the Open House and exhibitions conducted by the school not just to capture parents’ interest but to build a strong recall and testimony in the minds of students and parents.
We have helped Klay school reach within 300+ communities located within close proximity to their school campus. The brand has garnered 2Lac+ impressions on Pulse and 3.5% users showed interest in visit the campus or learning more about the brand.