Tenant Verification in Gated Societies: Why and How to Do it?

Tenant Verification in Gated Societies

A home you buy is a home that keeps giving, quite literally when you rent it out. Who wouldn’t want their investment to pay for itself? Therefore there’s no shortage of homeowners looking to rent their property all through the year. Surely enough, there’s a constant supply of renters in the economy, be they students, working professionals, families or singles.

In most cases, renting agreements are smooth sailing and all ends up well. Or does it? You’d probably never expect one of your tenants to make it to the news hour for the wrong reasons like selling drugs, running a secret fight club, sheltering terrorists or working with mafia kingpins. But humans are sometimes unpredictable, and at times, downright criminal.

In other less extreme yet annoying scenarios, landlords regularly come across a range of problematic renters; the peevish, irresponsible type who never pays the rent on time, the aggressive one who makes unreasonable demands for amenities and special provisions, or the out of control alcoholic noisemaker who parties on into the wee hours every chance he gets.

A lot of mischief makers and lawbreakers are tenants who have rented residential apartments in safe and reliable neighborhoods such as yours. Scoff if you will, thinking that as a landlord, your stellar intuition alone can save you from such unfortunate situations and grimey associations. Many alarming tenant harassment horror stories may seem far fetched or fictional, but have indeed transpired in real life with several unsuspecting homeowners who’ve rented their property on good faith, be they in an idyllic small town or a bustling big city.

Not that you should be unduly scared as a landlord, or so wary that you stop renting altogether and give up a sizeable source of income! Far from it. What you can do is hope for the best while simultaneously screening for the worst. Do your due diligence by conducting tenant police verification, a simple and precautionary measure that is in fact mandated by the law.

Why is tenant police verification mandatory?

Tenant verification by police involves a background check which red flags any applicants with prior charges, rapsheet and sounds you off.

If you live out of state or abroad, police verification for tenants is a necessary measure to ensure safety concerns you may have since you’d have no eyes and ears on the ground.

If the tenants have undergone police verification, they know that law enforcement has their information and will be at their doorstep at the slightest suspicion of any reported wrongdoing. This discourages them from performing misdemeanors, damaging property or engaging in unlawful activities.

Any terrorist and anti-national elements who rent residential property under a false identity and forged documents can be caught with police verification.

Indian Penal Code’s Section 188 states that failure to conduct police verification of tenants may lead to imprisonment of one month and a penalty of Rs 200.

Steps to take before renting your property

1. Conduct a thorough one-on-one interview with all applicants. Even if you have a trustworthy real estate agent who may be willing to do the interview on your behalf, you should personally get to know the renter.
2. Do a reference check by contacting the tenant’s previous landlord so as to get assurance of his conduct as a tenant and verify that he didn’t cause damage or create any trouble for the neighbors. This can only be done after filling a rental verification form which is available online.
3. Obtain numbers of family and friends of the tenant for further reference check so as to get an idea of the kind of environment, family and friend circle the tenant belongs to.

How to do police verification of tenant?

The following would help you with general verification and with tenant verification online:

1. Procure the police verification form at the police station or download it online.
2. Fill in the tenant and (landlord) details as prescribed in the form. Reference numbers may also be asked for.
3. Attach a passport size photo
4. Provide voter ID/Aadhar Card/ Ration Card/Passport/Driver’s Licence details
5. Sign the form duly
6. Save the acknowledgment receipt after submitting the form.

How to fill tenant verification form online

Download the online police verification form. Complete the landlord and tenant details. Along with other documents like an ID, an Aadhar card, a ration card, a passport, and a driver’s licence, you need also provide a passport-sized photo. Sign the document After submission, keep the acknowledgment receipt.

Tenant verification procedure in Delhi

You can visit the Delhi Police website and download the form online. This process is free of charge everywhere. This form requires the tenant’s previous rental stay information if any. 


Tenant verification procedure in Noida

UP is one of the places in India where domestic crimes abound. To help citizens tackle fraud and crime, UP Police Citizen Services app/website provides tenant/employee/domestic help verification with downloadable forms. Noida Police website also provides this service.



Tenant verification procedure in Mumbai

It’s simpler in Mumbai than anyplace else. Police NOC isn’t needed. All you need to do is provide the required details online, however, you have to be meticulous in following prescribed details. OTP is sent to the owner. The address of the owner and the rented property should not be the same. The owner should visit the police station if the police need to verify any discrepancy. Mumbai Police is highly responsive on Twitter if any clarification is needed by the citizens.


Tenant verification procedure in Bangalore

The process is different since the verification is done at the Commissioner’s office from where you can buy a form for Rs 10. Attach rent agreement copy, photograph, ID proof, etc. Pay a verification fee of Rs 200 at https://www.karnatakaone.gov.in/ (or on their mobile app). Submit the form at the Commissioner’s office and collect the acknowledgment receipt, after which the police issues a clearance certificate within a month.

Tenant verification procedure in Hyderabad

The city’s ‘Know Your Tenant’ initiative led the way for homeowners to get police verification through their Hawk-Eye app, following search results that found criminal, terrorist activities as well as child labor incidents. Verification requests are also taken online.


Tenant verification procedure in Chennai

The landlord can submit verification details online after mobile registration. A fee of Rs 500 is also applicable.


MyGate’s solution to effortless verification of tenants

MyGate is the first in India to launch a feature called Resident ‘Move In Move Out‘. The MC can enable it for all users to check off a digital checklist during the process of moving in or out. Users can upload all of their necessary documents (including the police verification form) directly on the app which the landlord can easily access. This feature is crucial in managing and accessing vital paperwork as well as maintaining tenant records for any further information and cross verification. You no longer have to run around collecting documents and can rely on the MyGate app to make the process of moving in easy and seamless.

Documents that landowners and tenants should ask for before subletting/renting a property

While rental sites on the internet put house owners and tenants in touch with each other, there are quite a few points involved in preparing a legal rent contract. It’s essential to have the contract written down and signed by both parties, as it outlines the terms and conditions accepted by both parties. It’s also needed to mention that the terms of the contract can’t be changed without the consent of both parties. Along with the contract, it’s necessary to collect a list of documents that will help legally bind the contract. Here is a list of documents that both parties should keep in mind. 

Proof of homeownership: If you are renting a place, you can ask the landowner to show you proof that they own the house. They can show you any document that establishes their authority over the property and that they have a right to let out the property for rent. 

Electricity bills: When renting a space, make sure the previous electricity dues have been settled and you don’t land up covering the late payments or dues. Make sure the total load allowed on your electricity meter is going to hold up the heavy load of multiple appliances. 

No-objection certificate: If you live in a colony or society, find out if there are particular rules and limitations when it comes to having pets and people over. Ask the landlord beforehand for the list of dos and don’ts. It’s wise to procure a no-objection certificate from societies to avoid any kind of issues. 

Address proof: Proof of address and identity document is essential while renting. Always get a copy of the above and their work address. In case you are renting to a minor, then ensure you have their guardian’s name, phone number, and address. 

Whether you’re a tenant or a landlord, you might want to avoid paying extra money to brokers who take a cut of rent and charge for paperwork. For DIY renters and owners, being familiar with legal procedures and following prescribed instructions thoroughly is extremely important. 

An accurate sum-up for all parties involved is that forewarned is forearmed. Be a few steps ahead and don’t allow any opportunities for misfortune to strike.

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