How to Clean a Bathroom with Acid

Bathrooms are undoubtedly the most crucial part of a house and can reveal a lot about a homeowner’s hygiene practices. Who doesn’t like a clean and shiny bathroom? And anyone who’s ever given cleaning those stains a try knows how exhausting the process might be. Hence, knowing a couple of tips and tricks on how to clean your bathroom tiles and floor with acid can come in handy. Using acids can be an easy solution to those stubborn grit and grime, especially within those tile gaps and f

There are many ways to clean your bathroom and a few of those methods are easy to carry out:

  • Cleaning it every day after everyone is done with the shower and so. Just take a damp cloth and wipe out all the water droplets that are there.
  • Cleaning once a week with basic soaps and scrubs. If you are a working professional, you can only get time to give a hand cleaning a try on weekends and holidays.
  • Deep cleaning every fortnight or once a month with strong cleaning solutions and chemicals requires a lot of patience but the results are good as new.
  • Other methods include getting rid of all the reasons that are causing your bathroom floors and tiles to stain. For hard water filtration, you can simply purchase water softening filters that can be installed in your tap and shower system. The only issue is that these machines can be a bit on the expensive side.

Here is a detailed answer to the never-ending query: how can I clean my bathroom tiles and floor with acid? But why is this one of the most searched queries? Because it’s easy, offers better results and lasting effects.

One of the most easily accessible items for home use is muriatic acid/Hydrochloric acid. This colourless, ultra-pungent solution can remove soap scum and hard water deposits from bathroom tiles. You can buy this acid at any nearby medical store or general store that is licensed to sell such strong acid solutions.

It’s always good to prepare before taking up such cleaning tasks so that you don’t need to make any last-minute runs to buy anything.

To get good results and shiny bathroom tiles and floors by using such harsh chemicals, here are a few steps that need to be followed:

Preparing the surface

Just like we wash our faces before starting with any beauty treatment to get better results, we need to prepare our floor and tiles.

Before you get started, clean all the freshly collected dust and eliminate all the hair collected around the drain area. It will make cleaning a little mess-free, and you will have less of a wet and dreadful residue left later to manage. When finished with this first stage of cleanup, we can move ahead to the next phase, which is to prepare the acid wash solution:

  • Mix 1 cup of Hydrochloric acid/cleaner with five parts of lukewarm water. If you are dealing with an industry-based acid, take a look at the instructions given by the brand. Check the exact ratio of acid to water that needs to be mixed because it might change based on surface types.

Applying the acid/acid wash

It’s always good to start with a smaller portion to test the product. Keep in mind not to use a larger quantity at once. If you are new to this cleaning process, this acid solution might act fast or leave highly acidic fumes when used in a high quantity in an enclosed place like your bathroom.

Water the desired tile area using a spray, or you can splash water using a mu. Then apply the acid solution to the wet surface with the help of a sponge or mop and scrub gently. Flush the scrubbed surface with water and similarly move on to the next section. Repeat this process over the entire bathroom floor, making sure the surface you are working on is wet before applying the layer of acid mixture.

Scrubbing methods and motions that can be used

  • Scrubbing and mopping in a circular motion can be observed as one of the most effective ways as it gets into all the grit and grime.
  • Scrubbing vertically and horizontally between the tiles and curbs to get into those gaps and joins that have grown black or dark looking mold.
  • Scrubbing with breaks and scrubbing in small intervals allow the acid to cut off the dirt.

Neutralising using baking soda

The next important step is to stop the acid reaction so that it wouldn’t damage the tiles. Wash all the hydrochloric acid mixture off the bathroom floor using water after you are finished cleaning. Leaving this acid on the floor can be harmful to you and the floor. Sometimes just washing the floor is not enough due to the high acidic nature of this chemical solution. You might need to neutralise this strong product using baking soda.

These steps will help you neutralise the surface:

  • First, mix 1 cup of baking soda into a bucket full of lukewarm water. Mop the floor with the mixture to start the neutralising process. Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse the floor with plain water and let it dry for 24 hours.

Tips for a better and hassle-free cleaning experience

There are a couple of things that you ought to remember before you start this “How to clean bathroom tiles and floor with acid” DIY project.

A must for preparation: The mixing of acid solution should be done on an open rooftop because fumes from the undiluted acid could be very harmful and strong. It is always recommended not to overlook any warning signs and information provided on the container by the brand. Such information can come in handy in case of an accidental spill.
Cleaning essentials: Using rubber gloves is an absolute must to avoid any direct contact with the skin. Always apply the solution on the desired surface in a round motion using a nylon pad. Ensuring proper coverage for your face and eyes. Acid can cause extreme damage to the eyes and other sensitive parts of the body if no precautions are taken. Thus, it is a must to use face masks and goggles to avoid any unexpected contact with the naked eyes.
Ventilating the area: It is essential to keep the region ventilated. If your bathroom has a pre-installed exhaust fan, you should turn it on before applying the acid solution. Any fans that can keep the air flowing in the area can be helpful and will help you avoid getting suffocated due to hazardous acid fumes.

Precaution measures

Most acid-based washroom cleaners are poisonous and toxic to some degree. The chemicals present in them can deliver harmful fumes. Inaccurately utilising these cleaners could demonstrate harm to materials like floor covering, metal, wood, and glass. Given the well-being perils related to acid-based cleaners, you ought to continuously wear gloves and goggles while cleaning with them. Likewise, ventilate the region you are working in.

You might view citrus extract as a decent option in contrast to other more poisonous acid-based cleaners. It is harmless to the ecosystem, modest, and kills bathroom germs effortlessly.

In case of any unnecessary acid spill, try dusting baking soda over it to neutralise the acid and then clean it with a damp cloth. If you, by any chance, come in direct contact with this acid, wash the area under running water until the burning sensation goes down and then you can rush to the nearest ER.

Note: Try not to go overboard while buying such chemicals/acids. Storing it can sometimes be a headache if you have limited storage space in your home or these spaces are accessed by you and your family very often. Always store such chemicals in moderately cool areas where your children can’t reach. Keep the undiluted chemical away from clothes as it might cause discolouration of the fabric.

How to Clean Bathroom Tiles with Baking Soda

How to clean bathroom tiles stain

How to clean bathroom floor tiles

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