10 Green Tips for Healthy Living

Going green seems hard at first because it requires a fundamental change in consumer, behaviors and regimented habits from decades. But one step at a time towards sustainability can go a long way in contributing towards a greener community and healthy lifestyle.

Presenting 10 green living tips with ideas to get you started on your journey towards creating a positive environmental impact.

1. Avoid single-use plastic and disposables

Cut down on products that have use-and-throw plastic wrapping, including candies, colas, chips, and PET bottles of water. Replace disposable products with reusable ones, e.g. napkins with tissues, plastic bottles with refillable jars, glass/clay cups with styrofoam cups, small grocery pouches with bulk purchases, plastic bags with jute/cotton bags, ziplock bags with Tupperware containers, and more

2. Save electricity

Install solar panels and smart meters to consume less electricity. Other measures to consider are:

  1. turning off the power strip connected to electrical appliances 
  2. using CFL instead of regular light bulbs
  3. use natural light throughout the day
  4. buy energy-efficient appliances
  5. take the stairs as often as possible

3. Conserve water

Take shorter showers and install low-flow faucets and toilet fixtures. Water can also be conserved by:

  1. Greywater reuse
  2. Using washing machines/dishwashers when fully loaded
  3. Using watering cans instead of the hose
  4. Installing dual-flush toilets
  5. Practicing rainwater harvesting
  6. Use native plants while gardening

4. Watch what you eat

  • Instead of buying processed food and genetically modified items, go natural with organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs. 
  • Say no to junk food and sugary, oily snacks
  • Eat fresh food and avoid food leftovers unless perfectly preserved for nutrients to stay intact
  • Consume at least 400 grams of fruits/vegetables per day
  • Learn about/consume food sources rich in minerals and vitamins instead of food supplements.

5. Shop sensibly

Buy what you need, don’t unnecessarily hoard.

  1. Buy items wrapped in recyclable paper/cardboard, cloth, jute, natural fabrics, or biodegradable materials like cornstarch, mushroom, peanut, seaweed, etc.
  2. Should plastic packaged products be bought, check for recycling symbols at the back. 
  3. Buy and sell second-hand items, used products
  4. Bring your own bags
  5. Reuse and repurpose everyday items

6. Reuse of daily stuff

Don’t throw away containers, clothes, curtains, jars, boxes, furniture if they can be repurposed to meet a new need or reused a couple of times more.

  1. Reuse toilet roll holders to organize accessories drawers
  2. Make cell phone holders and lamps from used plastic bottles
  3. Make photo frames, wall organizers, and bookends from old furniture parts

7. Burn less fuel

It’s unwise to waste petrol to get to work in different vehicles when you can carpool with friends, family or neighbors. 

  1. Walk or take bicycles for short distances instead of taking cars and bikes
  2. Invest in an electric car for the future instead of petrol and diesel vehicles
  3. Take shared cab rides instead of solo rides

8. Move those muscles

Work out for at least 30 minutes a day or an hour every alternate day to stay healthy. 

  1. Try power yoga instead of the gym
  2. Try healthy eating instead of dieting
  3. Take up adventure sports instead of regular weekend plans
  4. Do fun activities like frisbee, soccer, martial arts, or join a dance class, Zumba, Parkour, etc.
  5. Multi-task while finishing up an audiobook during your walks or chores
  6. Walk on grounds/gardens with bare feet to be grounded by nature

9. Use zero-waste trackers and fitness apps

Your green living progress can be monitored and improved by the use of various tools and technologies. Explore options like:

  1. Apps that monitor your daily steps/calorie intake, exercise routines, etc.
  2. Fridge tracking apps that help you reduce food waste, alert expiration dates, etc.
  3. Waste tracking and recycling apps
  4. Apps to reduce plastic consumption
  5. Apps that track carbon footprint

10. Be a sustainability champ overall

Try to spread awareness gently among people through leading by example, not preaching.

  1. Carry out individual and community-wide composting
  2. Set up rain barrels during monsoon
  3. Advocate and practice sustainable gardening and eliminate lawns
  4. Use compost, not chemical fertilizers
  5. Volunteer at environmental NGOs
  6. Form self-help groups to raise solid waste management compliance awareness
  7. Leverage social media groups and platforms to connect with other waste warriors
  8. Learn about sustainable architecture and use ideas in your own house/building (e.g. indoor plants, living walls, natural insulation, biomimicry, etc.)
  9. Eat at organic restaurants
  10. Host zero-waste events and parties
  11. Join city-wide/ regional/ municipality-based cleanliness drives
  12. Grow sustainable plants/herbs at the office
  13. Segregate waste in green, blue, red bins
  14. Practice the 12 principles of permaculture
  15. Educate children, adults, and housekeeping/service staff on reducing their carbon footprint

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