Are your society residents missing out on vendors coming to your gate? Are they instead taking the risk of stepping outside amidst the lockdown, looking for essential items? Not anymore!
Many MyGate communities are now using the app in unique ways to help residents. One of them is by setting up notifications for the arrival of vendors on the app. This helps society residents stay informed each time a local vendor with daily essentials arrives at the gate.
How your community benefits
– Residents do not miss out buying essentials as they are always notified of a vendors’ arrival
– Safer environment within the community as residents do not have to venture out looking for essential items
– Minimal social interactions, maximum social distancing
There are two ways to set up Vendor at Gate Notifications for your society:
A. Resident opt-in notification:
1. Make a digital profile of each vendor. This would create a 6-digit code for this vendor. – guard app
2. Circulate the vendor names via MyGate notice board or society chat groups and ask residents to tag them to their flat (as they would add a daily help).
3. Security guards will enter the vendors’ 6-digit code when they’re at the gate
4. Residents would receive instant notification on vendor’s arrival

B. Community-wide notification:
1. Make a digital profile of each vendor. This would create a 6-digit code for this vendor.
2. Security guards will tag these vendors to all the flats in the society.
3. Security guards will enter the vendor’s 6-digit code when they arrive at the gate.
4. All residents will receive instant notification on vendor’s arrival.

To ensure this does not lead to a crowd at the gate, we recommend taking the following precautions:
1. Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance while standing in queue
2. Wear a mask at all times
3. Avoid touching your face
4. Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands