Data Privacy

Your data,
your choice

Your data,
your choice


Data privacy and information security are among the core values of Mygate, and we go the distance to uphold them. Our policies go beyond what is expected by law, so you choose what to do with your information at all times.


Ensuring completely transparent & legally compliant information collection at all levels

Ensuring that information collection is purpose oriented, clearly defined and maintained only for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose. For example, we do not collect any demographic information on the app.

Ensuring that information is cautiously collected and handled, and that information deemed unnecessary for the stated purpose is not collected at all. On all our RWA dashboards, personal information is by default hidden.

We not only ensure that you know about all the information we are collecting, we also ensure completely transparent and legally compliant information collection at all levels.

Ensuring that personal information that is no longer necessary is deleted upon fulfilment of the purpose. For example, on our systems, all visitor entry-exit information is purged after 180 days.


We've gone beyond what the law requires

ISO Certified

We are certified with ISO 27001:2022, the international standard for information security management. All our information storage policies are dictated by the requirements laid out under this certification.

DPDP ready

Our adherence to the Personal Data Protection Law is a clear demonstration of our unwavering dedication to user privacy. This signifies that our communities are fully equipped to uphold the legal requirements mandated by the law.

GDPR ready

We have implemented GDPR guidelines, enabling us to put the control of information in the hands of its owners. This transparency framework helps us provide world class security standards to all our users at every level of interaction.

NIST compliant

Given the information we deal with, we leave no stone unturned. We also follow the rules set by US National Institute of Standards and Technology to mitigate any organisational cybersecurity risks.